Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Caregiver Giving Safety

Even coordinated younger adults can find the slippery surfaces in the bathroom tricky territory. Common bathroom safety improvements for seniors to provide a caregiver safety can include:

  • Installing safety grab bars in the shower or using a shower seat.
  • Adding a grip pad in the shower, ideally in a colour high in contrast to the colour of the tub. This will make it clear where it’s safe to step. 
  • Installing a raised toilet seat to make it easier for the person you’re caring for to stand up and sit down when using the toilet.
Making sure that the person in your care has a safe environment to call home is one of the most important responsibilities you will have as a caregiver. A thorough home safety inspection for seniors will help you determine if you need to make some changes to the home or need to install home safety products, whether the elderly person in need of care lives independently or with you. Before you start making changes, make sure you involve the person in your care with any planned improvements in their home. A basic home caregiver safety for seniors is needed that you can use as a caregiver to create a safer living environment for those in your care.

Here are some ideas for caregiver training sessions you may want to plan to practice the right actions for caregiver safety:
  • Transferring clients. Train caregivers on proper transferring/lifting techniques and on the use of patient lifts, such as the Hoyer Lift. Make sure caregivers have the proper training and supplies necessary when called on to transfer a client from one location to another.
  • Bathing. Caregivers must know proper techniques and helpful tips for bathing clients who struggle with various physical challenges.
  • Alzheimer’s and dementia. Caregivers need to know how to work with clients who suffer from these illnesses. Caregivers need to be aware of the symptoms and know how to provide consistent, reassuring, and compassionate care.
  • Incontinence care. Prepare caregivers for what it may take to keep clients clean, dry and safe, and how to help clients keep their dignity despite potentially difficult or embarrassing situations.
  • Colostomy and catheter training. Offer caregivers training depending on what they can or can’t do according to your state licensing regulations when clients need help with these conditions. Caregivers may need to be trained in tasks such as proper/sanitary methods for emptying waste and keeping clients clean and dry.
  • Safety. Caregivers and clients need to be safe in all situations. Safety training can cover on-the-job safety for caregivers and in-the-home safety for clients.
  • Company policies, procedures and goals. Educate and update your caregivers about your company, your expectations and your business goals. They need to know how valuable they are to you and how they can help your business succeed. Caregivers also need to know your policies for overtime, scheduling, reimbursements, communication, etc.
  • Cooking. This may seem like a simple thing, but sometimes clients mention, during interviews with us, that their caregiver was supposed to cook meals, but she couldn’t cook or didn’t know how to cook their favorite foods. Caregivers may need basic cooking tips or simple menu plans to help them learn what clients what kind of food they would like to eat.
  • Death and dying. Caregivers may have to deal with a client’s terminal illness or death. It can be difficult to lose a client who has become a good friend, and they may benefit from training to help them deal with their emotions in these situations. Perhaps also train them on how to assist a client or a client’s family who is dealing with shock, grief or loss.
The large majority of people prefer to age in their own homes, which means that as abilities change due to age or illness the home environment also needs to change. Many fixes around the home to ensure a safer place are free and easy to do for caregiver safety, while others may incur a cost and require professional help. Before you start making changes, make sure you involve the person in your care with any planned improvements in their home.

Friday, August 4, 2017

How being a caregiver is both a rewarding and noble career

Being a caregiver is one of the most rewarding career for any individual who chose this path and job. The have the personality of being creative and passion to find solutions regardless of their work needs. Being a caregiver means working for others welfare and that they are a big help to families. We commonly see the caregivers in helping seniors to downsize their home, pack and unpack for relocation, and organize the home for ease of movement to a caregiving facility where the elders and other family members in need of immediate care can be taken care of all the time. This process is more than just moving and assisting to locate to a facility. Now the family has the option properly do these tasks for them by using caregiver connect and ask assistance of a caregiver help who are commonly called a family caregiver. As time went on new types of resources and caregiving assistance help are being provided by all facilities and with the addition of a new service for caregiver connect it is easy for family members who wants to connect to their loved ones in a caregiver facility communicate to the caregivers and the facility.

Caregiver services should be available to someone who has physical, mental or age related challenges. These are the people or the condition of people or family member where a caregiver help will be badly needed. Where people needs the most are Support and services in a clean, caring and affordable environment. Aging is a process. Preparing for reality of aging is as important as preparing for retirement.

There are 2 types of caregivers and they are the family caregivers who are caregivers available to visit your home whenever needed. This is for families who don’t want to use a facility and want their family member to be taken care of in their own home. A professional caregiver on the other hand has educational and training backgrounds with regards to caregiving; they are closely more of a regular nurse on which they are more adept in regards to rehabilitation, medicines, and therapy on which elders needs. However both caregivers are important one can hire a family caregiver for day to day needs and care while the professional caregiver can give assistance on scheduled medication and therapy. Both family caregiver and professional caregiver will be working as a team to give full care for their patients. While at home caregiving either they are stay in family caregiver or a on-call caregiver they can easily be reached to a caregiver connect facility. A perfect example of how to be a great caregiver includes planning ahead for any contingency, which includes a list of products, services and resources within reach.

When considering to use caregiver connect and get a caregiver help and ask for options one should stat by planning ahead by asking friends for referral services they have used. Keep a record of this for future reference. Doctors and organizations provide referrals, but that does not mean they have ever used them or know someone who has.